Mini DAYZ Wiki
  • If the temperature is really low try to stay in buildings and replace your worn-out clothes, the worst thing in the game is suffering an intoxication, usually, that means the end of your game. Also, clothes that have a lower percentage of durability left give lower heat.
  • If you find firearms and it’s correct ammutiton, try to use it to fight against a great number of zombies (especially if you have a shotgun) or against enemy survivors(especially the armed ones). Always use your guns when you are low on health, value your health more than ammo.
  • Try to avoid military bases until you have a good gun, as those contain a couple of well-armored zombies and they almost always have a gun. Military bases are the ones with a tank, a couple of tents, and they spawn usually at four-way intersections. The loot there is not worth it anyways.
  • If you are lucky enough to find a Civilian Tent, search for a place with a water pump, desirably in the center of the map and deploy it, now you can use it to store items since if you leave items in a building and you return later the items will disappear, but in a civilian tent, the following will never happen.
  • The best weapons are usually the ones that you can plant with, as tree cutting is pretty situational anyways.
  • Also note that crafting an Improvised Backpack from the Improvised Bag restores the durability of the backpack back to 100%!